so i have been out for a few months on maternity leave after the birth i have been out for a few months on maternity lead after the birth of my third child thatcher. he joins his big brother yates and his big sister yardley who have been terrific with him. there s my little man. i wanted to thank all the viewers who sent gifts anticipate beautiful messages these past few months after he was born and even after the announcement of this show. i couldn t always respond, but i was anticipate i am very grateful for your support. so is my husband, doug. we thank all of you for the good will and the good messages. if you would like to offer thoughts on the program. we re taking them. or you can send me a tweet@megankelly. we re going to incorporate a lot of that social media into this program. we ll use your suggestions and questions.
so i have been out for a few months on maternity leave after the birth of my third child thatcher. he joins his big brother yates and his big sister yardley who have been terrific with him. there s my little man. i wanted to thank the viewers who sent gifts and beautiful messages the past few months after he was born and even after the announcement of this show. i couldn t always respond. but i was and i am very grateful for your support. so is my husband doug. we thank you for the good will and good messages. to offer thoughts on the program go to kelly file or send me a tweet using the hash tag # kelly file. we ll incorporate social media into the program. use your suggestions and questions in questioning some guests. i do read them. i check them both out. as much as i can, i respond to