you know what? i think so. he s really talented at many things. and so i wouldn t be surprised if he made a pivot into something like that. no, i m kidding. med school would not be for him. but he is a great father and he did an excellent job. yeah, i think my next job will definitely a stay-at-home dad, as she would take over the household income. she s a poet and she s she has a couple books out right now and i feel like me stepping into that father role is something that s feels comfortable for me. oh, this is such a beautiful story. how s big brother doing? he s doing great. he witnessed the whole thing, and he s been amazing. he s been so hands-on, and he just loves her so much already. yes. well, duwane, aumari, alani moon, thank you so much for being with us. she has a beautiful disposition,