drop it to allow it to happen in the supreme court, and they got the ruling they want, and number of the senate republicans signed on to an amicus brief calling for the end of the biden student loan program, but they are recognizing the politics of it as well, and the fact that there are many students out there benefiting from this who could essentially take out their frustration, and some voter backlash at the polls given how potent of an issue student debt is particularly among the younger voters, and as we are heading into the 2024 election cycle. we are hearing from the republicans who signal they are going to push for legislation that they believe would lower the cost of education, and help to deal with the student debt. there are a number of proposals out there, and one area that the republicans are trying to message on the aftermath of the ruling. and democrats are furious. chuck schumer is attacking supreme court itself calling it
they would have preferred a different ruling, but really nobody really was. and so from a purely political standpoint and what they have been campaigning on, it is a clean sweep of the affirmative action rulings, and colorado case and student loans. manu raja is on capitol hill, and no, he is not, because nobody is working there. no, he never leaves there. manu raja is alone on capitol hill today working the phones and what are you hearing? well, the republicans are absolutely thrill for the last two days seeing the ruling after ruling going in their direction, and they have fought against that biden student loan program. the house republicans tried to advance the legislation in debt proposal to block the student loan proposal and they had to