Going to be soon available. Ainsley under construction looks like they are making changes. We will bring you that as soon as it drops. Steve im being told it has just appeared online. Now what we will do is we will take it off the website and we will ingest it in the back room. The boiler room of the Fox News Channel and we should have it by the conclusion of this segment. Ed he tweeted. Ainsley what did he say . Ed fox business half hour ago waiting for announcement. You could have used that any point the last couple months. We have been waiting and waiting. Steve heres the point. When you see the video something that will be missing from it, you will not see barack obama sitting right next to him saying, you he no, i endorse him. Because a source who has talked to barack obama, who was the president as joe biden was Vice President said, quote he is not likely tone doors in the primary. He believes that for the Democratic Party to move on, voters have to pick their next leaders. Presi
This. Steve tomorrow, america, dan bongino is going to return. Ry going to be wearing a tie because i know its killing you. Dan no. I told goo gavin im taking this off in protest no. Tie tomorrow. Steve tune in tomorrow. I did not break my word. Ainsley did you not. You follow through with your promises. Do you feel open . Dan can you see totally differential dan bongino. Like a Clark Kent Superman thing. Steve its no tie tuesday. Because he has come up from florida, to do the show, a couple of times this week, we are going to make your dreams come true. Not only is he going to do the news of the day. He doesnt have to war a necktie. But also he will get to make steaks. He will meet gary woo gary woodd and there is going to be handtohand combat in the studio. Dan like a dream show today. They asked me what my favorite food i said steak. Whats your second favorite food. Warmup steak. Ainsley how. Dan medium. Even medium is a little much. No more than medium. No, no more than medium. Ste
President trump is going to unveil his latest plan today aimed attack ling the crisis at our southern border regarding immigration. Brian is he going to talk about Immigration Reform. Outlined a proposal in the rose garpsd. He has already called on to fix the problem. We will find out if they listen. If they do they will hear a plan with two pillars, one border security. The other will be overhauling the nationS Immigration system shifting it from a family based to a merit based. Skills, education and employment. It will increase the skills based immigration system which only accounts for 12 now up to 57 . It will reduce existing family based system at 66 down to 33 . And it would favor recruiting people under a build america visa who have extraordinary talent, professional and specialized skills and exceptional students. President trump says he is optimistic it will have congressional support. We are fighting the democrats. The democrats want open border. That means crime. It will go
Tonight from the beautiful Performing Arts Center in miami and from our nbc news headquarters here in new york, our special live coverage of the first democratic debate of the 2020 run for the white house. There are so Many Democrats in the race, so many for one stage that it will require two groups over two nights. The stakes could not be higher for the most diverse field of candidates ever seen on a president ial debate stage. A Strong Performance tonight could shake up the leaderboard. A miscalculation could end a campaign right at that very stage. We are less than two hours away from the start of night one. Brian williams with you here from new york. Im joined by nicolle wallace, host of deadline white house, former White House Communications director for george bush 43. Chris hayes is with us, host of all in, and our claire mccaskill, former u. S. Democratic senator from the great state of missouri, and eugene robinson, with the Washington Post. Also joining us throughout the even
Islamophobia as much among the democratic as the Democratic Party. Anybody who would run for the United States. 68 teams but only one national title. Time to fill out march madness bracket. Steve okay. Get your brackets ready this week and wednesday is the first day of spring. Brian yahoo special thanks to the earth and the climate because its actually going to feel like spring. 50plus degrees. Jedediah i am so ready for some warmth. Im so tired of being cold. Im ready for spring clothes and sunshine bring it down. Steve listen you, jedediah is going to be with us all week. Ains solid off. Jedediah troublemaker in the house. Brian at least for three hours. Police raiding homes in australia. We know this the new zealand attack on two mosques. Jedediah death toll rises to 50. Steve surprising move the suspected attacker made. Arab asia. Iesha . The suspect fired his lawyer and wants to represent himself in court. That former torn says he be to be lucid and not mentally unstable when maki