WASHINGTON, Jan. 11, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) Today, Administrator Isabel Casillas Guzman, head of the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) and the voice in President Biden’s Cabinet for America’s more
So I’m sure that this survey was fair and balanced.
Then there’s a survey of small business owners from a company called Alignable that claims that the Democratic-supported PRO Act, which favors unions and according to some will discourage the hiring of freelancers, is “anti-small business.” Alignable would like you to believe that because get ready folks its platform matches freelancers and businesses. So the PRO Act wouldn’t be so great for Alignable, would it?
Another fair and balanced report, I’m sure.
Then there’s the Small Business Majority, another left-leaning organization that surprise, surprise includes and partners with many of the nonprofits (and people) who also, and not coincidentally, break bread with the good people at the aforementioned Small Business for America’s Future. This organization claims that its members are facing a “looming rent crisis” and that “in order to prevent a new wave of closures among microbusinesses, polic
Two court defeats for racist policies
There are enough destructive and unlawful woke policies going forward these days to keep dozens, if not hundreds, of public interest law firms working full time. I’m happy to report on two recent court successes (for now) in cases challenging such policies.
In Texas, U.S. District Judge Reed O’Connor has issued a temporary restraining order sought by a restaurant owner against the Biden Small Business Administration. The owner challenged the Biden administration’s Restaurant Revitalization Fund which gives priority to businesses owned by women, racial minorities, veterans, and other “socially and economically disadvantaged” groups. Judge O’Connor enjoined the SBA from giving such preferential treatment based on racial and gender classifications.