discrimination that dwarves jim crow and nobody notices. it happened yesterday. there was no press conference. no media coverage. 24 hours ago it happened. biden restructed the u.s. government to discrimminate. he made the announcement on the white house website. they all must ensure they have equity team within their agency to coordinate the implementation of equity initiatives. they will report to the gender policy council. running all of this the largest racial tracking bureaucracyoo although be former president barack obama doing it through his lackey and cut out susan rice. rice a goal is to place the federal government in opposition to a very specific slice of our own population. every single person in the united states will qualify for one of joe biden s many protective categories except straight right men. we are all in this together except those guys who are on the out. it s all of us versus them. straight white men are not protected because they are the cause of t
discrimination that dwarves jim crow and nobody notices. it happened yesterday. there was no press conference. no media coverage. 24 hours ago it happened. biden restructed the u.s. government to discrimminate. he made the announcement on the white house website. they all must ensure they have equity team within their agency to coordinate the implementation of equity initiatives. they will report to the gender policy council. running all of this the