House. Apparently, they were watching this Program Last Nighwatchingis Progrt by. Thank you all for watching at the white house. And were triggered by this interview with the speaker of the house, kevin mccarthny. When you move to an impeachment inquiry, it empowers congress, republicans and democrats within re to be ablea to get the answers they need. Because we have found time and again we havent seen anything like this since the Nixon Administration t using their government to shut down any time we hao shutd a questio i would think the biden family would want to clear their name first. I really am. It means sea really a lot to me that the Biden White House is watching this show, but they are clearly of what is jovery real impeachment inquiry. E wh and Joe Bidens White house is now lashing out and accusinig Speaker Mccarthy for what he said on the show of actually lying. Well, considerin shog joe is the biggest liar. That gets interesting. Waitrwait until they hea gets in the breakin
requests. instead, the white house demandeds re republicans start m scratch in 2023. that does not seem very cooperative. that s certainly not transparen s certa tt to me.stro but the obstruction, it didn t stop there. accordin g to the house oversight committee chairman, james colmer. well, the biden treasury refused to turn over the suspicious activity reports that they requested. those were racked up by the e biden family syndicate. unless, of course, a democrat signed on to the request, which in itself was a highly unusual request. and while biden nes treasury department ultimately had to cave, they were stalling fol long as possible. and, of course, biden s fbstiosl alsoe., as you know, if you wath this program, attempted to obstructis and stall important house oversight. you may remember aftertant house republicans asked the fbi to produce that 1023 form documenting bribery allegationsu against joe and hunter biden from a trusted and well-paid in the past fbi
well, look, i think first ofth all, if you back out and look at the entire forest here, is barack obama politicizingoveg the justice department, covering up all sorts of things. settinup alltting a standard thf you re on the left, you are never going to be prosecuted as hillary making millionsions and millions of dollars in ways that involve basically public policy decisionsat invol that fr russians and others. and then there s joe bidens , who looks up and he says, let me get this straight. the depart nevern mant s going to come after me. hillary has proven you can make tons of money doinke g this stuff. why shouldn t we play? why n in myhing testio mind, everything the biden white house says nowhe about, this topic is a lie. it s just plain totally a lie. but it has to be a lie. l i mean, you can t expect the incumbent president to come out and say, you know, we had a bad period there and hunter