for no reason because we are giving her things to read and she is not prepared and yells at us for being unprepared. one of the biggest defenses of the vice president was attacks against her are racist and sexist and you see people criticizing her are in her own house. don t know how you can stand by that line of defense. todd: this is to prop up pete buttigieg. carley: this boils down to the fact the president biden should have picked somebody else. she has very little political experience, 3 years in the senate under her belt, she was a junior senator and she s not a natural politician. she was at a democratic primary, marianne williamson and julian castro. she became vice president because president biden decided to go with the identity politics route and he is suffering the
day after i got laid off. i go to some of the executive pages and they say we are hiring and to see that is so wow. we are not even going to pretend we care about the emotional impact or think about empathy so that has been just a reoccurring theme in the way things have transpired. i don t understand why any ceo much less any human would operate like this. unbelievable. you wish you the best of luck for the job search and the best of luck with the baby and everything going forward, we are praying for you. carley: president biden facing a series of foreign-policy test starting with today s high-stakes call with vladimir putin plus mounting pressure over the beijing olympics and in iran nuclear deal falling apart as we speak. we have a live report from overseas.
most of my staff is vaccinated but some people have had covert and have antibodies and don t want to get the vaccine. donating convalescent plasma to fight this disease, they don t want to get it and i feel terrible, you can t force them to get it. that s what they are trying to do. a lot of other business owners are being put in the same position, thank you both for joining us this morning. thanks for having me. carley: what is going on? take a look at some international news stories hitting you this morning, president biden and russian president vladimir putin will meet today for a videoconference to discuss escalating tensions over the ukrainian border were new satellite images is like
than anything that has been done before. today s college later this morning it is close to the press. griff jenkins putting things kicked off on tuesday. former right white house chief of staff rights presents says president biden is more assertive this domestic we and on the world stage. the famous phrase of ronald reagan, we maintain peace through strength about the other part of that quote is that weakness only invites aggression and when you are weak at home it invites aggression overseas. critics say the president has no room for error after badly botching the us withdrawal from afghanistan. president biden needs to nail this phone call with russian president leonard by saying if you step one towing ukraine you are going to pay for it financially on the world stage and he has to do that, he has to really be strong on this front, not just to stand up to our adversaries but also to make sure our allies know we can
the brand i trust is qunol. fox news alert a high-stakes showdown in the making is president biden is set to speak with russian president a putin just hours. you are watching fox and friends first on tuesday morning. todd: president biden facing a critical test as russian troops mass along the ukraine border, sean hannity warning vladimir putin could one thing the white house won t do, they won t put out a