Unit into a separate Public Company. More on that in just a bit ibm up and all the markets up with 59 minutes left in the session. All the big stories of the day coming up. Morgan stanleys Ceo James Gorman on the back of his companys 7 billion deal today to buy Investment Firm eaton vance. Carnival giving a Business Update as the crews and travel industries continues to deal with uncertainties amid the pandemic ceo Arnold Darnell will be our guest next hour. The ceo of Amc Entertainment will join us to discuss the rollback of more blockbuster movie releases why he is staying open when some of his competitors are deciding to close lets look at the stories we are watching in the final hour of trade. Joining us to talk about regenerons push for emergency authorization for its covid19 treatment is alettia young bob, start us off on the market. There may be no stimulus, but the market is actsing like there is going to be one they have levitated themselves into believing something is going t
Biden administration. Sources telling nbc news that the president will ask politicians to pick a side. And tell the American People whose cider they are on. And to portray himself as fighting for Working Americans and democratic values. While his opponents want tax breaks for the wealthiest and want to abandon ukraine to russian aud democrat Vladimir Putin abroad. Curtain number two, the republican nominee, were talking about the fourtimes indicted expresident , he goes on trial for Campaign Finance violations for Paying Hush Money to a porn star in just over two weeks. Whats he doing . He is getting ready to play host to hungarian leaders at the private club where hes alleged to have illegally stashed some of the most Important National security secrets our country possesses for years. Hes a leader defined by his affinity for Vladimir Putin and his dismantling of democracy, piece by piece in his own country, which means in Donald Trumps eyes, he is, quote, a very great leader a very s
Offshore and the passengers on the ship are being tested. They dropped testing kits from a had the. At least 21 people on board are showing some symptoms. Washington state has been the hardest hit with another death reported there today bringing the total to 11, most of them connected to the outbreak at a nursing home outside of seattle. The number of cases rose sharply today in that state. Washington officials are recommending people stay home and avoid large gathers. I will speak with the mayor of seattle. Vice president mike pence is on his way to Washington State where he will meet with inslee and how best to contain the spread. Here in dc, the house approved 8. 5 billion in federal funding. Also on the hill today officials were pressed on comments President Trump made last night where he seemed to down play the threat of the virus. After briefing lawmakers those officials told reporters that the viruss mortality rate may be in the range of. 1 to 1 trz which would be significantly
Using Solar to Produce Oil: A Bridge to Sustainability or Simply Unethical? - Jan 24, 2021
The shift away from fossil fuels like oil towards reliance on renewables like solar will be decisive in many nations during the 2020s. By the end of this decade, the energy sources in use across the world will be far greener than they are today. There’s no controversy about this contention. Where common agreement becomes hard to find surrounds how soon such a shift should happen, and how many nations will have made a decisive shift by the end of 2030.
It is understood in this decade many nations and their energy providers will be in a transitional mode. To the minds of many eco-advocates, a good transition involves the scaling up of energy sources that are 100% renewable while scaling down fossil fuel sources. To others, they argue utilizing renewable energy to power fossil fuels can also assist in the transition even if critics contend such a move is deeply unethical and problematic.