NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS The North Dakota Department of Transportation (NDDOT) will receive bids for the construction of the following project(s): Job No.: 22203 Project No(s).: IM-8-094(098)342 Length: 3.841 Type: GRADING, PCC PAVEMENT, MILL & HMA OVERLAY, STRUCTURE REHABILITATION, CULVERTS, FENCING, GUARDRAIL, SIGN STRUCTURE REPAIR, AND LIGHTING County(s): CASS Co Location: I-94, 38TH ST W (RAYMOND INTERCHANGE) E TO SHEYENNE ST - WEST FARGO - EB/WB Job No.: 23036 Project No(s).: SU-TMA-8-984(170) Length: 0.607 Type: GRADING, SALVAGED BASE, PCC PAVEMENT, HMA, STORM DRAIN, LIGHING, SIGNALS, MARKING, SIGNING, SHARED USE PATH, REINF CONCRETE SIDEWALK, BRIDGE AND WATERMAIN County(s): CASS Co Location: 52ND AVE S, SHEYENNE ST (CASS CO RD 17) E TO W OF 63RD ST Bids will be received via the Bid Express on-line bidding exchange at until 09:30AM, November18, 2022. Bids will be opened at that time at the NDDOT building on the capitol grounds in Bismarck and the bid results will be
NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS The North Dakota Department of Transportation (NDDOT) will receive bids for the construction of the following project(s): Job No.: 22909 Project No(s).: CVD-SU-6-002(138)910, CVD-NHU-6-002(139)353, & NH-6-002(140)336 Length: 9.874 Type: CHIP SEAL & PAVEMENT MARKINGS County(s): GRAND FORKS Co Location: US 2B, JCT US 2 TO 2ND AVE N - GRAND FORKS; US 2, JCT 69TH ST S E TO JCT 55TH ST S EB/WB - GRAND FORKS; & US 2, JCT CMC 1819 (TURTLE RIVER STATE PARK) E TO 69TH ST SE EB/WB Bids will be received via the Bid Express on-line bidding exchange at until 09:30AM, October14, 2022. Bids will be opened at that time at the NDDOT building on the capitol grounds in Bismarck and the bid results will be distributed and posted online at approximately 30 minutes after bids are opened. The proposal forms, plans, and specifications are available on the NDDOT website at and may be inspected at th
INVITATION FOR BID NORTH DAKOTA NATIONAL GUARD READINESS CENTER Dickinson, North Dakota IFB 22-30 Civil Construction IFB 22-31 General Construction IFB 22-32 Mechanical Construction IFB 22-33 Electrical Construction IFB 22-34 Total Combined Construction An electronic bid depository will be utilized for bidding. If you have never registered in Bid Express, the first step is to create an account at REGISTRATION INSTRUCTIONS: 1. 2. In the upper right hand corner, Click the “Register” button 3. Complete “My Info” 4. Click “Register” button 5. IMPORTANT: BIDDERS MUST update their Bid Express account to reflect the “CENTRAL TIME” zone. The OWNER accepts no responsibility for omissions made during bidder registration. Once your business is registered, email a copy of your North Dakota Contractor’s License to Upon confirmation of your North Dakota Contractor’s License by this Agency,
NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS The North Dakota Department of Transportation (NDDOT) will receive bids for the construction of the following project(s): Job No.: 23540 Project No(s).: CVD-8-992(046) Length: 1.000 Type: CONCRETE PAVEMENT REPAIR, CURB & GUTTER, ADA, MANHOLE & INLET ADJUSTMENTS County(s): CASS Co Location: 9TH ST E, JCT 13TH AVE E N TO MAIN AVE (US BUSINESS 10) - WEST FARGO Job No.: 23576 Project No(s).: ARP-9-999(494) Length: 0 Type: STATEWIDE PORTABLE BARRIERS County(s): CASS, BURLEIGH, GRAND FORKS, STARK, & WARD Cos Location: STATEWIDE PORTABLE BARRIERS - VARIOUS DISTRICT LOCATIONS Bids will be received via the Bid Express on-line bidding exchange at until 09:30AM, August19, 2022. Bids will be opened at that time at the NDDOT building on the capitol grounds in Bismarck and the bid results will be distributed and posted online at approximately 30 minutes after bids are opened. The proposal forms, plans, and spe
NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS The North Dakota Department of Transportation (NDDOT) will receive bids for the construction of the following project(s): Job No.: 23035 Project No(s).: BGR-IM-2-094(179)223 & H-2-094(193)223 Length: 2.048 Type: PERMANENT GRADE RAISE, MEDIAN CROSSOVERS, EMBANKMENT, AGGREGATE BASE, HOT MIX ASPHALT, CULVERTS, RIPRAP & INCIDENTALS, REST AREA RAMPS County(s): STUTSMAN & KIDDER Cos Location: I94, E OF CMC 2231 E TO 2 MI W OF MEDINA (CRYSTAL SPRINGS REST AREA) EB/WB & CRYSTAL REST AREA Bids will be received via the Bid Express on-line bidding exchange at until 09:30AM, August05, 2022. Bids will be opened at that time at the NDDOT building on the capitol grounds in Bismarck and the bid results will be distributed and posted online at approximately 30 minutes after bids are opened. The proposal forms, plans, and specifications are available on the NDDOT website at and may be ins