therefore, they need a target. their target is no longer really george w. bush because they have tried that for the past two years and that really hasn t worked for them. so who can they go after? sarah palin. the other reason they do it, laura, is because they know they can get press coverage if they mention her name. laura: bic go. they fall for it every time. laura: they see she has been successful obviously perhaps in alaska, other races. maybe she will be a major factor in the harry reid re-election attempt with the sharon angle issue. so i think they know that she is powerful and they know she gets ratings, bingo. they even said that she was violent. i mean that she was nearing on violence. and i would love to put union comments up next to sarah palin s and compare them. and see who has the more stride dent strident language. laura: i think palin could take richard trumpka on an arm wrestle. g.o.p. investigating the obama administration if they get into
tried that for the past two years and that really hasn t worked for them. so who can they go after? sarah palin. the other reason they do it, laura, is because they know they can get press coverage if they mention her name. laura: bic go. they fall for it every time. laura: they see she has been successful obviously perhaps in alaska, other races. maybe she will be a major factor in the harry reid re-election attempt with the sharon angle issue. so i think they know that she is powerful and they know she gets ratings, bingo. they even said that she was violent. i mean that she was nearing on violence. and i would love to put union comments up next to sarah palin s and compare them. and see who has the more stride dent strident language. laura: i think palin could take richard trumpka on an arm wrestle. g.o.p. investigating the obama administration if they get into power good idea or bad idea? if it s meritorious, good