so is dr. jill jamie. must sym must sympathize with trump, often being called names unfairly. mm-hmm. i do sympathize with that. also i dsympathih that i don d attack biden for being excited to go to sleep and go to the bathroomo to. i can t wait to do those things . you know what?can i ju can i just be the one to say l that will be. looks like she s getting a haircuike t. ing the power went out and it looked so. what i don t get is that they re like, oh, if trump is is the end of democracy as we know it. but he he wademocracs president. yeah. and it s not yeah it hasn d it t been. that s not true. pre as he was president. everything s fine. he can be president again. sigwait s i feel like i didn t e the terminology would be used. i didn t like how she said that trump was going to disappear liktoe who teachesa
gaffes that have been made surrounding his campaign team. i mean, just one day after announcing the fact that they had all the campaign cash coming in, they failed to do their due diligence, they didn t get the proper licensing for one of their paid-for ad as, and that would have only cost them a couple thousand dollars. when you make mistakes like this, it s hard to understand how he expects to suck d e in a big way succeed in a big way. howard: let s will look at some pictures from the other night, las vegas, ufc, donald trump hobnobbing with celebrities k and he generates excitement. so, kevin, i know the press loves to fixate on fund raising. jeb bush raised $100 million and went nowhere. do you agree with the politico and elsewhere that the dual indictments have actually helped donald trump raise money in. oh, no question. he came back to bedminster that night and raised $2 million, the same day that he was indicted and showed up in court in florida. so, but again, i think the
colorado, and when they didn t e stand up and applaud, they found out the hard way what happens to people who darew not to applaud. nbhat enc is what took off right after them. that was the headline for nbc. it s house historian michael beschloss declared this quote, for any members of congresmembes who refused to clap for zelenskyy, we need to know n fr. them exactly why. we need to know why we thought apple you ve been reported is not applauding. explain yourself to me. but and then beschloss wentlevii on television to drive homonecea the point or sources haveve reported you are not clapping. watch this.o as and i think the other thing i df like to ask is the number of members of congress, almost all republican , did not show up to my who showed up and refused to clap. i d like to know why that was for two reasons.u re number one , you re a public a i servant. we re allowed to know those things. you re supposed to tell us that you re serving in congressl us u the reason was. de you
A cinque anni di distanza dal successo di Raggi a Roma le valutazioni dei Romani sull amministrazione uscente sono molto severe: il 61% dà un giudizio .
Kayseri’nin Bünyan ilçesinde hafif ticari aracin sarampole devrilmesi sonucu meydana gelen kazada hayatini kaybedenlerin sayisi 5’e yükseldi. - Kayseri,