However this generation is a generation that is going down and I don t want no one to tell him show that is. The let me let me if you will I m not going to ask for your permission all you need to do is to be willing to hear I will go through it again we re living in the end of this age the end of the world has come of things that were written before time whether sector history whether Biblical history whether Jewish history whether any anything that has been written is not remarkable there is a gentleman because for the 1st time in over many many thousands of years what has been written in full years is all over the world John said if the things that Jesus did had all been written in a book or in books he said The world itself could not contain the volumes what in the world is that kind of a statement of what did God do why there are many many things that he had done what you have seen or had heard written is just a small sample. When you look up and see one star and a twinkle is real
Your heart and every Today it s so there s encouragement available from God s word Here s Adrian Rogers ever seen a person with a broken spirit or the light goes out. When the spark die with enthusiasm and disaster and the fight to go and there s nothing left but the shadow of a person the spirit is broken you can have a burden soul and get over it but all want to break the spirit you re in the world in trouble today are you sick with a broken heart if so you ve come to the right place we have a message of hope and encouragement for you welcome to love worth finding we re so glad you joined us as we continue our series God s way to health wealth and wisdom today we take a look at God s remedy for the broken spirit how wonderful it is to know that he does not lead you in the with heavy hearts he has a powerful cure and he wants you to take it today right now right where you are if you have your Bible turned to Proverbs Chapter 12 and look at verse 25 as Adrian Rogers teaches about God
Moaning sacrifice of Christ that the righteousness of Christ has now come to us without the law and it rests upon it is upon all and to all who believe in that righteousness is Christ himself 1st $22.00 Chapter 3 even the righteousness of God through the faithfulness of Jesus Christ to all and on all who believe Jesus is man you see Jesus has become for us a representative before the father he s also our substitute for all the judgment that our human nature should have gone through this Jesus of ours is not a way to righteousness he is our righteousness you ve heard me say that before and so it s wonderful to know that even when we feel incomplete imperfect sinners broken down and just in a mess Christ is Home us counted as a homeless our righteousness and you remember Paul has spoken about this counted as Jesus is counted to us as righteousness God took the judgment through the word propitiation there described in Romans 325 he propitiated appeased his own judgment by placing it upon
just. Critics are examining big changes to the difficult Special Forces course the course soldiers must pass to join the elite special forces has traditionally been very tough but now Army commanders are making big changes to it the goal is to meet evolving national security threats and to shift from a culture that weeds out struggling soldiers to one of the trains them to do better while some special forces say hold on they claim the brass wants to make it easier to pass was a way to boost recruiting numbers and ensure women will eventually qualify and they worry the Green Berets will become weaker and dangerously less capable than ever before. Bresso Fox news some new movies are out this weekend but were they any match for this weekend s top film still number one by quite a bit when you bring me out King he introduced me as Joker more moviegoers introduced to watch Phoenix s scary performance in Joker It made another 55000000 its 2nd weekend in theaters a computer animated comedy o
I add warm hearted fireplace and patio dot com. Who are holding our 96.1. 1170 said he and Casey. The Lutheran our sponsored by Lutheran our ministries. The Lutheran our bringing Christ to the nations. People sometimes talk of cutting a deal as we ll hear in today s message by Pastor Ryan to Nettie in times past this was more than a figure of speech so Avery gathers up the animals cut them into sets them out all according to custom so far so good and what we expect next is for Abrams and the Lord to walk the aisle and for Avram to make that fearful oath made this happen to me if I don t keep the cup that s what we expect but that s not what. Stay with us for Pastor to Nettie s message titled Faith unafraid. Oh Mark I m sure thanks for joining us today your gifts and prayers help the Lutheran Our bring Christ to the nations and the nations to the Church thank you for your faithful support the Reverend Ryan to Nettie is pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church in Arcadia Michigan now here s pa