SLICE OF EDEN The Rev. Robert Barker leads a special outdoor worship to mark the 50th anniversary of Trinity Lutheran Church’s Biblical Garden on Sun., April 23 in Simi Valley. Photos by MICHELE WILLER-ALLRED/Acorn Newspapers Services are normally held inside at Trinity Lutheran Church in Simi Valley, but parishioners moved outdoors to worship last week in
SUNDAY SERMON The Rev. Robert Barker leads a special outdoor worship service April 23 during the 50th anniversary re-dedication of the Trinity Lutheran Church Biblical Garden in Simi Valley. Photos by MICHELE WILLER-ALLRED/Acorn Newspapers Services are normally held inside Trinity Lutheran Church in Simi Valley, but parishioners moved outdoors to worship last week in honor of
EMBRACING NATURE Above left, Trinity Lutheran Church’s Biblical Garden team leader Carol Dahme looks at a display showing the history of the garden, which was recently rededicated. Services are normally held inside Trinity Lutheran Church in Simi Valley, but parishioners moved outdoors to worship last week in honor of the church’s Biblical Garden. As sunshine poured
Church rededicates its Biblical Garden The Biblical Garden at Trinity Lutheran Church will be rededicated on its 50th anniversary during the 9 a.m. worship service Sun., April 23 in the garden at 2949 Alamo St., Simi Valley. A small reception will follow. The event is open to the public. The garden was conceived in 1973