Odisha police have arrested Bibekananda Biswal alias Biban, the prime accused in the Anjana Mishra gangrape case, twin city police commissioner Sudhanshu Sarangi said on Monday.
Biban, who was on the run for the last 22 years, was nabbed from Aamby Valley at Lonavala on the outskirts of Mumbai by a team of commissionerate police assisted by their Navi Mumbai counterparts. Sarangi said Biban, who was working as a plumber and staying at Aamby valley, had changed his name to Jalandar Swain.
“He had mentioned Naranpur (Cuttack) in his permanent address. When we initiated an inquiry, we found out that no such person belongs to Naranpur. He had a permanent job, Aadhaar card and bank account there. But he was in touch with his family members and had asked them to get a death certificate in his name to avoid arrest,” said Sarangi.
Bhubaneshwar (Odisha) [India] February 23 (ANI): Odisha Police has nabbed the prime accused in a gangrape case pertaining to January 1999 which triggered an outcry across the country, from Maharashtra's Lonavala on Sunday.
Express News Service
BHUBANESWAR: Twenty-two years after the gangrape of the estranged wife of an IFS officer rocked the country and caused a political shakeup in Odisha, almost costing former Chief Minister Janaki Ballabh Patnaik his job, police have finally managed to nab the prime accused Biban alias Bibekananda Biswal.
Biban had been absconding since 1999 and the CBI, which had been entrusted the investigation into the incident by the Orissa High Court had failed to trace him in all these years. He was suspected to have died or murdered.
Even as the case had been put in cold storage for over a decade, the Cuttack-Bhubaneswar Commissionerate Police recently reopened the file after getting some leads on Biban. And it launched Operation Silent Viper to track him down.
After 22 years, main accused in Odisha gang rape case arrested
Incident was a turning point in State’s political history
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Incident was a turning point in State’s political history
The main accused in the case of the two-decade-old gang-rape of the wife of a former Indian Forest Officer that almost brought the J. B Patnaik-led Congress government in Odisha to its knees has been arrested.
Biban Biswal alias Bibekananda Biswal was arrested from the Amby Valley City Project near Navi Mumbai by Commissionerate Police for Bhubaneswar and Cuttack on Sunday. He had been on the run for the past 22 years.
Bhubaneswar: February 22: The prime accused in the sensational 1999 gang rape case involving the estranged wife of an IFS officer has been arrested from Maharashtra, police said on Monday.
The incident had led to the resignation of the then Odisha Chief Minister Janaki Ballabh Patnaik in 1999 after huge outrage in the state.
Biban alias Bibekanand Biswal, who was absconding for the last 22 years, was arrested from Aamby Vally in Lonavala, informed Police Commissioner Sudhansu Sarangi.
The Police Commissioner said that Biban had hidden in Aamby Vally in Pune by changing his name to Jalandhar Swain and was working there as a plumber.