Editorial: Monday Shorts: Beds for kids
State representatives, farmers and others involved in agriculture take an apple blossom tour of Apex Orchards in Shelburne on Tuesday to discuss the importance of farms and food systems. STAFF PHOTO/PAUL FRANZ
Published: 5/17/2021 9:00:59 AM
Here are some brief thoughts on recent happenings in Franklin County and the North Quabbin region.
It looks like a match made in heaven, bringing together a LaunchSpace woodworking shop in the Orange Innovation Center with a “community build” event to make bed frames for North Quabbin kids. The matchmaker is Scott Hubbard of Orange, who, with his wife, Tammy, have already built 23 beds for children in the region. They are looking to start a North Quabbin chapter of Sleep in Heavenly Peace, a nationwide nonprofit with 250 chapters; its Massachusetts branch is based in Acton.