the area where the caravan was gathering. maybe 5,000 people. that s a lot of people. it s everybody at one time is approaching a border check-point some will just walk across. they get processed and released into the country? right. laura: correct? you look at el salvador and guatemala and horned. honduras. they are some of the most violent countries. they want to come here and want our taxpayer to pay for their babies and food and college. and all of the hard working americans have to pay the bill. what about the deceasesdeceases diseases coming in africa? laura: no one talks about the health implications.
well he apparently forgets the fact that in real time what happened last year was the director of the fbi talked about an investigation into hillary clinton, even ten days or less before an election but did not tell the country that there was also an investigation going on of the trump campaign over far more serious matters, whether individuals in the trump campaign had been orned as agents of a foreign power. in cut in donald trump s favor. and that s something that donald trump jr. would rather ignore. he says there are people who don t want to let america be america. suggesting there is some kind of conspiracy perhaps to undermine his father s administration. is there any conspiracy like that? no. but you have to realize this is i guess a trump family characteristic and that is to
she knelt down, and then she was attacked by a man. she told police he had dark hair and horned-rim glasses. she bit him in the finger and drew blood, and then she ran away. father feit matched maria america guerra s description of a suspect. she identified him to police, and he had what appeared to be a serious bite mark on one of his fingers. in this sworn statement, feit said the injured finger was from a mimeograph printing machine, an accident. after a jury deadlocked on a felony charge of assault with attempt to commit rape, feit would plead nolo contendere, no contest, to misdemeanor aggravated assault. the judge found him guilty and fined him $500, no prison time. just 24 days after maria america guerra was attacked, father feit was working at irene garza s church. on the saturday before easter,
but at a church in nearby edinburgh, father feit would be accused of sexually assaulting this young woman, maria america guerra. the 20-year-old woman told police she came into the church, which was empty at the time, to pray. the communion rail used to be right up here near the chairs. she knelt down, and then she was attacked by a man. she told police he had dark hair and horned-rim glasses. she bit him in the finger and drew blood, and then she ran away. father feit matched maria america guerra s description of a suspect. she identified him to police, and he had what appeared to be a serious bite mark on one of his fingers. in this sworn statement, feit said the injured finger was from a mimeograph printing machine, an accident. after a jury deadlocked on a felony charge of assault with attempt to commit rape, feit would plead nolo contendere, no contest, to misdemeanor
this young woman, maria america guerra. the 20-year-old woman told police she came into the church, which was empty at the time, to pray. the communion rail used to be right up here near the chairs. she knelt down, and then she was attacked by a man. she told police he had dark hair and horned-rim glasses. she bit him in the finger and drew blood, and then she ran away. father feit matched maria america guerra s description of a suspect. she identified him to police, and he had what appeared to be a serious bite mark on one of his fingers. in this sworn statement, feit said the injured finger was from a mimeograph printing machine, an accident. after a jury deadlocked on a felony charge of assault with attempt to commit rape, feit would plead nolo contendere, no contest, to misdemeanor aggravated assault. the judge found him guilty and fined him $500, no prison time. just 24 days after maria america