Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan has said that under the Deendayal Rasoi Yojana, food will be available at Rs.5 per thali instead of Rs.10. Mobile kitchens will soon be started in urban areas to provide food to labourers at an affordable rate near their work place. All the urban bodies of the
Bhopal: DPR Worth Crores Sent Under AMRUT-2 Yojana , Says Mayor Malti Rai - get the latest breaking news, showbiz & celebrity photos, sport news & rumours, viral videos and top stories from Daily Mail and Mail on Sunday newspapers.
I am very happy to see the new functioning of Women s Police Station and arrangements for URJA Women Help Desk, that proper efforts are being made by Bhopal Police Commissionerate for the safety of women," said Mayor Malti Rai.
Impressed by the various campaigns and schemes being run by the
Bhopal Mayor Malti Rai planted saplings in Swarna Jayanti Park located at ward 58 and on this occasion various Resident Welfare Committees appreciated the tree plantation campaign being run with a view to maintain environmental balance and also called upon each and every person to plant