Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar on Sunday said that Parivar Pehchan Patra (PPP) is an ambitious scheme of the State Government, under which eligible beneficiaries are getting the benefits of all schemes and services online. “Now, old age pension is being made automatically as soon as
Villagers are also hesitant on getting vaccinated
Instead of getting treatment in hospitals, they prefer approaching RMPs or local quacks
After devastating densely populated cities like Gurugram, the pandemic has started taking its toll on Haryana’s rural areas.
According to reports, Hisar’s Sisay village has witnessed over 25 deaths in the past two weeks. Sources say most of the deaths remain unreported as villagers do not get themselves tested despite showing Covid-like symptoms.
Baljeet Singh of Sisay said around 2-3 deaths were taking place in the village almost every day. Last week, six deaths were reported in a single day. “Most families have their members suffering from Covid-like symptoms, yet they are avoiding getting themselves tested,” he said.