Varanasi resident Prabhat Singh has safely kept mobile phone pictures of his over a century-old joint family house, which was acquired and demolished for the mega Kashi Vishwanath Corridor project. These photos are his only surviving memories of his "lost home", he says. Singh and several others in the holy city, who were displaced by the ambitious project, were not so
Divya Kashi Bhavya Kashi came alive in Varanasi on Monday evening when Deepotsav called Shiv Diwali lit up the Ghats and the scent of flowers wafted across the Ganga
Prime Minister Narendra Modi will inaugurate Kashi Vishwanath Corridor project in a grand ceremony, and with 55 high-definition cameras, four jimmy jibs and one drone, the coverage of his event is set to be "equally monumental", sources said.