Noted Tamil director Balaji Mohan, known for directing Dhanush s superhit Maari , on Tuesday announced that his production house Open Window is producing a Tamil web series being directed by his former associate director Vignesh Vijaykumar.
Noted Tamil director Balaji Mohan, known for directing Dhanush s superhit Maari , on Tuesday announced that his production house Open Window is producing a Tamil web series being directed by his former associate director Vignesh Vijaykumar.The .
A still from ‘Mandela’ | Photo Credit:
Special Arrangement
Composer Bharath Sankar breaks down the individual songs in his recently-released debut album, ‘Mandela’, and discusses its African connection
In 2019, Bharath Sankar was on a tour to Madagascar, off East Africa, when he became acquainted with a family of musicians. They performed to Tamil songs and Bharath returned the favour by performing to their songs, markedly signalling a collaboration. He somehow wanted to loop them in but had difficulties contacting them, for it would take a while for his message to reach.
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For Bharath, the big challenge was to ensure the music matched the tenor of the political satire.
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Bharath Sankar, a member of the four-man rock band Oorka, which also includes Pradeep Kumar (bass), Jhanu Chanthar (guitar) and Tapass Naresh (drums), made music for the Yogi Babu-starrer Mandela. Having only tested the waters in Dharala Prabhu, for which he had composed one song and penned lyrics for another, Bharath was surprised to get a call from debutant director Madonne Ashwin. “He offered me the project right after our first meeting. His faith in me made me double my efforts,” the composer tells us. Save for the climactic number featuring Yogi Babu, which called for “big emotions”, the instructions were to keep things simple and easy on the ears.