Bhai Dooj is a festival similar to Raksha Bandhan. It is also known as Bhai Tika and Bhai Ponta. On this day, brothers give gifts to their sisters. Here are beautiful greetings and wishes that you can download to celebrate the bond between brothers and sisters and wish Happy Bhai Dooj 2022 with WhatsApp messages, images, HD wallpapers and SMS. Happy Bhai Dooj 2022 Greetings and Wishes: Share Bhau Beej WhatsApp Messages, Images, HD Wallpapers and SMS To Celebrate the Bond Between Brothers and Sisters.
Bhai Dooj, Bhai Phonta, Bhaubeej, Bhai Tika or Bhratri Dwitiya is the celebration of the bond between brother and sisters. Know how to celebrate this day with your sibling.