In a shocking incident, a pregnant woman in Telangana was carried to hospital in a 'doli' (makeshift stretcher) - - through a forest stretch - as the ambulance could not reach the village as there is no road connectivity.
Updated Dec 21, 2020 | 11:10 IST
Denied treatment by a government hospital in Telangana, a TB patient breathed her last at a bus stand. The staff of the government hospital refused to admit her and told her that the time of treatment was over.  |  Photo Credit: Times Now
Key Highlights
On Saturday, a woman died at a bus stand in Telangana after she was allegedly denied treatment by a government hospital
The hospital allegedly told the woman s husband that the time for treatment had passed
Hyderabad: The life of a woman from Telanagana was lost to medical negligence of a local government hospital. The woman breathed her last at a Telangana State Road Transport Corporation (TSRTC) bus stand. The incident came to light on Saturday from Bhadrachalam area of Telangana.