Workers clinging to scaffolding rescued after building explosion
Two workers were trapped on scaffolding hanging from the side of Baltimore s BGE building after an explosion. Share Updated: 2:01 PM PST Mar 5, 2021 Troy Frisby
Workers clinging to scaffolding rescued after building explosion
Two workers were trapped on scaffolding hanging from the side of Baltimore s BGE building after an explosion. Share Updated: 2:01 PM PST Mar 5, 2021
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Show Transcript a blast in Baltimore, left to workers dangling from scaffolding on the side of a building for more than an hour, it was leaving louder than a gun. It was It was an explosion. The explosion at the B G building was so loud it could be heard throughout the city s downtown area. Mhm pretty loud. One big boom. The workers on the scaffolding were cleaning the windows at the time of the explosion. Their harnesses kept them tethered to the building. But it took more than an ho