well, first i d like to say that i don t think the peace prize was given to me personally and i don t accept it as a personal honor. i think it is rather a tribute to the wise restraint of discipline and dignity with which negroes and white persons of good will have carried out the whole struggle for civil rights. by the end of 1964, dr. king is aware that the one major southern civil rights challenge that had not been dealt with in the 1964 civil rights act was voter registration. bewildering hodgepodge of election laws from state to state prevents many from voting. boss-controlled political machines disenfranchise others by downright fraud. a negro citizen may go to register only to be told that the day is wrong or the hour is late or the official in charge is absent.
the 1964 civil rights act was voter registration. bewildering hodgepodge of election laws from state to state prevents many from voting. boss-controlled political machines disenfranchise others by downright fraud. a negro citizen may go to register only to be told that the day is wrong or the hour is late or the official in charge is absent. there are five counties in mississippi, each at least 57% negro, in which no negroes at all are registered. today marks the beginning of a determined, organized, mobilized campaign to get the right to vote all over this state. martin luther king chooses the city of selma because it has the worst record of any southern
some critics have charged that the nobel peace prize was not appropriately given this year. what s your reaction to that one? well, first i d like to say that i don t think the peace prize was given to me personally and i don t accept it as a personal honor. i think it is rather a tribute to the wise restraint of discipline and dignity with which negroes and white persons of good will have carried out the whole struggle for civil rights. by the end of 1964, dr. king is aware that the one major southern civil rights challenge that had not been dealt with in the 1964 civil rights act was voter registration. bewildering hodgepodge of election laws from state to state prevents many from voting. boss-controlled political machines disenfranchise others by downright fraud.
medal. some critics have charged that the nobel peace prize was not appropriately given this year. what is your reaction to that one? well, first i want to say that i don t think the peace prize was given to me personally, and i don t accept it as a personal honor. i think it is rather a tribute to the wise restraint of discipline and dignity of which negroes and white persons of good will have carried out the whole struggle for civil rights. by the end of 1964, dr. king is aware that the one major southern civil rights challenge that had not been dealt with in the 1964 civil rights act was voter registration. bewildering hodgepodge of
year. what s your reaction to that one? well, first i d like to say that i don t think the peace prize was given to me personally and i don t accept it as a personal honor. i think it is rather a tribute to the wise restraint of discipline and dignity with which negroes and white persons of good will have carried out the whole struggle for civil rights. by the end of 1964, dr. king is aware that the one major southern civil rights challenge that had not been dealt with in the 1964 civil rights act was voter registration. bewildering hodgepodge of election laws from state to state prevents many from voting. boss-controlled political machines disenfranchise others by downright fraud. a negro citizen may go to register only to be told that the day is wrong or the hour is