Updated: May 17, 2021, 5:19 pm
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A good sleep is vital for our children’s physical and mental wellbeing – it’s also essential parents get enough Zs too. But what are the best tips to help your children get the perfect night’s sleep?
As the saying goes, “happy parent, happy baby”. The two go hand-in-hand – if your child isn’t having a solid night’s sleep, then it’s almost certain you as a mum or dad aren’t getting much kip either.
Abi Clarke, founder and chairwoman of charity MISS.
A north-east charity forced to postpone its calendar of events due to Covid-19 is hosting a day-long webinar later this month.
Miscarriage Information Support Service (MISS), an organisation helping women and their partners who have lost a child, will host Aberdeen’s first nutrition and fertility webinar on Tuesday February 23.
Running from 9.30am to 3pm, viewers will have the opportunity to hear from a range of expert speakers who will be discussing multiple different topics.
Speakers include Sandra Greenbank, a nutritional therapist focusing on food, nutrition and adequate movement and sleep, Hannah Pearn, Tracey Johnson, Alison Hall, Beverley Sarstedt, Alpesh Doshi, Tet Yap, and reflexologist, author and lecturer Barbara Scott.