In his chef’s hat on the right is Rabbi Leibel Scheiman. He showed NextGen families wheat stalks, the base of flour. Matzah. Even if you hate it, you kind of have to love it. This flavorless, cardboard-like square is a pantry staple during the week of Passover. From eating it plain to putting chopped liver
The four questions…they’re ingrained in our DNA. This Passover, with so much hardship and suffering in the world, Jewish Federation of Atlantic & Cape May Counties is asking a fifth question: What On This Night Can We Do To Help Our Extended Human Family? This Pesach, as we recount the story of our enslavement
On Sunday, April 30 from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m., the community is invited to a free birthday bash like no other! The Milton & Betty Katz JCC Courtyard will be transformed into an Israeli themed party, where Israel’s 75th birthday will be celebrated. Israel’s birthday is typically celebrated on Yom Ha’Atzmaut, Israel’s Independence Day,
Father and daughter Edward and Fayla Drakhlis created their parsley pot. This new year has already been plenty busy, with a packed community calendar featuring a diverse array of events. It was also an eventful Tu B’Shevat season in the area. Tu B’Shevat is cited in the Mishnah as one of the four “new years”
I write this article knowing it will appear a week before my last day as the executive director of the Jewish Federation of Atlantic & Cape May Counties. It has been my privilege to work with Jewish Federation leaders, my colleagues at the Jewish Federation, and with leaders of the Jewish organizations throughout Atlantic