Labour leader Chris Hipkins' call that 'Everything's back on the table' around tax policy has been welcomed by the Better taxes for a Better Future campaign, who say the door is now open for real discussion about progressive tax reform. 'We .
Political parties forming the next government are urged to think about how they can work within their existing tax commitments and policies to progress tax reform to benefit all New Zealanders. That's the wero (challenge) issued to New Zealand's .
Most New Zealanders think the wealthy should be paying more tax, according to a new poll commissioned by the Better Taxes for a Better Future Campaign . The poll asked two questions about the tax that the wealthy should pay and the results revealed .
The time's not right for tax cuts - that's clear from Treasury's Pre-Election Economic and Fiscal Update (PREFU) out today - says the Better taxes for a Better Future campaign. PREFU figures show the Government's tax take down on forecasts, falling $2.9 billion .
More money to the wealthy by tinkering at the edges of our tax system has left the Better taxes for a Better Future campaign underwhelmed by the National Party's tax plan announced today. 'This plan won't generate more revenue, which as a country .