TechShout - Apr 22, 2021
As businesses continue to cope with COVID-19 challenges, many workplaces are practicing social distancing and encouraging employees and customers to wear masks and keep their hands washed and sanitized. In addition, businesses are looking at ways to provide better indoor air quality for their team members and customers.
Compromised indoor air quality is a significant problem. Whether a retail store, professional office, restaurant, or medical practice, a workplace’s air quality can be affected by potentially harmful allergens and environmental substances. Destroying these indoor irritants, many of which are asthma and allergy triggers, is an ideal starting point, stresses Kenneth Mendez, CEO and president of the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America.
4 Tips for Better Indoor Air Quality Our homes harbor more than just our families and possessions. Home is also where pollutants, allergens, and other irritants accumulate and thrive, with possible harmful effects on our health.