secretary. we have the niece of mayor lapin. many view her as a liberal. we ll find out what the students think. the students make up the bulk of the conference, college students. here s what they have to say about the youngsters coming out here today. you can sense it with the kids who are there, 50% of the crowd are college age or younger. we re attracting new people and new voices to the movement for one main reason is they felt real buyers remorse request baracwith barackobama. now they re looking at the democrats. the democrats are just about hash tag resistant. reporter: it will be interesting to see what the youngsters think about gun control. back to you. griff, thanks so much. front and center, that conversation. an outpouring of love as
two years ago, donald trump didn t come. he was worried that he wouldn t have a big enough audience because they didn t think he was a conservative. now he comes back as president for the second time, coming for first time as a sitting president since ronald reagan. i talked to the president of cpac about the significance of president trump and the vice president coming to this year s. to have the president back and vice president back two years in a row, this is history. donald trump ran as a conservative. some conservatives were dubious about how he would govern. clearly his agenda is conservative. he s gotten more accomplishments that conservatives have seen in a decade. reporter: accomplishments, tax reform, they ll be talking about that. it s a packed day today. you have vice president 3450eube pence, senator ted cruz and you have betsy deversus devos, the n