RICHMOND - A Virginia General Assembly committee will take up legislation that could improve the lives of the Commonwealth’s nearly 30,000 nursing home residents, make facilities safer, and protect those
A Virginia General Assembly committee will take up legislation that could improve the lives of the Commonwealth’s nearly 30,000 nursing home residents.
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FILE PHOTO: Richmond City Council member Michael Jones speaking from the the dais during a 2019 meeting. (Crixell Matthews/VPM News)
Richmond City Council Member Michael Jones plans to primary Del. Betsy Carr (D-Richmond) next year.
Carr has represented the 69th House District, which covers large swaths of south Richmond and a sliver of Chesterfield County, since 2010 The house district overlaps with Richmond City Council’s 9th District in Southside, which Jones has represented since 2017. Jones is a founding pastor of Village of Faith Ministries and has taken an outsized role in recent debates around police reform. After the city saw a summer of near-nightly protests against racism and police brutality, he co-patroned local legislation to reexamine the police budget and ban the use of so-called ‘non-lethal’ weapons on protesters.