historic position in the party off the working man and became utterly and completely the party of guilty, rich kids. no living person personifies this shift more perfectly than robert francis beto owe roarke the product of a sinkle sexar robert francis beto owe roarke the product of a sinkle sex robert francis beto owe roarke the product of a sinkle sex boarding school and columbia university. when beto o roark speaks he speaks for everyone, all of the liberal work his happiest denouncing his country as racist and lecturing about privilege.ra just the other day he explained that when he has president he is going to make sure that poor people move in right next door to you. here s a tough thing to talk about. though we must. rich people are going to have to allow, or be forced, to allow lower income people to live near them. which is what we failed to do in this country right now. what if if as we proposed to do we invested in housing closer to where you work, very often mixed income
working man and became utterly and completely the party of guilty rich kids. no living person personifies this shift more perfectly than robert francis beto owe roarke the product of a sinkle sex boarding school and columbia university. when beto o roark speaks he speaks for everyone, all of the liberal work his happiest denouncing his country as racist and lecturing about privilege. just the other day beto explained when he s president he ll make sure that poor people move in right next door to you. here s a tough thing to talk about. though we must. rich people are going to have to allow, or be forced, to allow lower income people to live near them. which is what we failed to do in this country right now. what if if as we proposed to do we invested in housing closer to where you work, very often mixed income housing, the wealthiest are living next to those who are
way to lose votes. americans don t hate america. it s cruel what we are doing. they know we re not a racist would you call a plumber that country that needs to be rebuilt from the ground up. is only 22% proficient? most americans are cheerful and tucker: no. moderate. and the polls show it. this is the future of the country. you are on the front lines of npr prol from two months ago it. found less than 30% of americans professor, one of the great few wanted to decriminalize border professors we are proud to have crossings. on the show. it turns out you didn t make us 41% wanted to replace private feel better, but we are glad to health insurance with medicare for all. know the truths. a poll found only 18% of another hour has gone. we will be back tomorrow night americans agree with beto that abortion ought to be available and every night at 8 p.m. for any reason up until birth. in other words, the democratic eastern time. the show that is the sworn enemy party is almost perfectly i
not the very wealthiest in this country to make sure they can both afford to go to the same b tucker: sounds like a great plan. the best part of the plan of course is that beto himself has no intention of participating in it. no one is going to put section 8 housing or homeless shelter next to beto s house. there s no way his kids are going to high school with a bunch of poor people. literally no chance of that happening. the real point of beto s plan isn t to bring rich people like himself back to earth, the point is to deny normal people the trite control their own lives. beto would like to force middle america to be charitable. here s the interesting thing. amazingly beto has exempted himself from that requirement. we know this for a fact because we have his financial cities closures. beto and his wife gave a total of just 0.3% of their income to charity in 2017. that s not just low by national
more than just walls at the border. sean: okay. beto o roark, he s a radical, you know why, sean? for the first time ever more democrats want to be socialists than democrats, his latest proposal, a 15 member supreme court, watch out for o roark, it s all left. sean: we want 16-year-olds to vote. wow. can t drink until you re 21. thank you both. when we return, congresswoman, cortez is complaining about having to work all the time. i m not kidding. later, another update on the college admissions scam. wait until you hear what one parent did. unbelievable. straight ahead.