Best Media Info: As per the resolution reached between the two parties, the interconnection agreements may be revised depending on the outcome of the court case| Television News
Best Media Info: Justice Chaly posted the matter for further hearing on March 3 instructing AIDCF to file the rejoinder by then with a copy of the rejoinder sent to the respondents a day in advance| Television News
Best Media Info: In a letter to AIDCF, KCCL said that Jio and DTH platforms are exploiting this crisis and adopting new strategies to capture its customers| Television News
Best Media Info: With this, KCCL is the seventh MSO to sign the interconnection agreement as per the provision of NTO 3.0 joining the likes of Siti Cable, its JV ICNCL, UCN Cable, Thamizhaga Cable TV, Tamil Nadu Arasu| Television News
Best Media Info: The seven members of AIDCF continuing with the fight are GTPL Hathway, Hathway Digital, Den, In Cable owned by NXT digital of Hinduja Group, Fastway Transmissions, Asianet Digital and Kerala Communica| Television News