children of israel didn t have time for the dough to rise before they left egypt in haste. reporter: in the passover the wine refers to. the blood refers to the blood they smeared on the doorposts of the houses, because god passed over the houses. and, the part of the meal, the bread one would be eating would be thin wafers, that of course is how the principle or the practice of wafer and wine has come into communion in christian usage. as the church separated itself from the synagogue, so aspects of jewish observance were lost and all that remained was the communion of eating the bread and drinking the wine in remembrance of jesus life. reporter: the word christian was not used until more than 30 years after jesus died and simply meanings those who believe jesus was christ, the jewish messiah.
together for to testify foe cuts on the ways we re the same and we can all agree whether the second coming is the second coming of jesus when the messiah comes, or the coming when the messiah who wasn t jesus, the differences are not going to be that great. we re going be going to be surprised and really happy. there s the differences upon a time we had a discussion in which said tom, you believe that jesus is the messiah, i don t. and when we die we ll find out. in the meantime, shouldn t we be sharing our thoughts, our food, our teachings? i want mark to be the best jew he can be. and that s what i want for you, too. to be the best jew. no, you know, he has a phone number, 1-800-be a jew. it s a marketing thing. how did you give up jesus.
friends, who call themselves the god squad. both paths invite us to forget about our differences and learn more about how we have similarities to each other. reporter: bethlehem where the gospels state jesus was born, more than three centuries later the roman emperor, constantine, converted to christianity. he built the original church on the site, above a cave, once a cattle stall where tradition held that mary placed her newborn baby in a manger. but, do we know this spot, now wrapped with marble and smelling over incense is the actual place of jesus birth? we have no artifacts associated with jesus himself. reporter: classical archaeologist jody magnus from the university of north carolina at chapel hill. many events described in the new testament are impossible to verify because they are events.
christ. st. peter and the first followers of christ would have taken this road, as they brought the new faith to the center of the roman empire. no other road in rome is as closely linked to the life of the early christians. peter, whose life was changed by his encounter with christ, stepped on these stones and saw these tablets, columns and capitals, as he entered rome, the center of the world. jesus told the prince of the apostles, you are peter, and upon this rock, i will build my church. paul was persecuting the first christians when jesus appeared to him. blinding him with his light. paul was on his way to damascus when he had his vision. after years of preaching the gospel, and suffering much persecution, paul joined peter, in the eternal city. author of the book in the footsteps of popes explains how
jesus and god made man. the trinity of god is father, son and spirit that jesus came on earth to live and die for our sins so that he would open up the way to heaven. rabbi gellman for jews? for jews, jesus was a trer rifficly important leader, it doesn t help that god to be a person and secondly that he didn t evil in the world, didn t gather exiles and resurrect the dead. and for some jews, father hartman, christ is the messiah, because his first followers were all jewish. it s true his first followers were jewish. in today s world, they have to make a choice. if they are he jewish, it