Babies between 9 and 12 months old are often in a transitional feeding stage; they ve conquered jarred food but don t have the teeth for chicken nuggets. Thankfully, it s relatively easy to come up with fun, simple meals that provide plenty of nutrition. Here s a feeding schedule to use as a guide. Best Foods for 9- to 12-Month-Old Babies
Just like adults, babies need a wide variety of nutrients. They should get five servings of fruits and vegetables each day, though their serving sizes are tiny (for a 6-month-old, a tablespoon or two can be a serving; for a 1-year-old, it s more like 1/4 cup). A good phrase to remember is eat the rainbow. Over the course of a day, serve lots of different colors, including green (peas, green beans, spinach, asparagus, zucchini), orange (sweet potatoes, cantaloupe), yellow (squash, bananas), and red (cooked tomatoes, red peppers).