steve, quick question for you. good deeds, now i know that beth has a crazy schedule, darren has a crazy schedule, when you do these good deeds, give us again the parameters, will they have to come here? can they do something in their community? most people already do a good deed somewhere that they re not paid to do. so part of share is acknowledging people for the good deed that they re already sharing, as well as providing opportunities for people to do more. so if you re already homeschooling your children, and i do believe that s something that beth s doing, that s already certainly improving the quality of life in not only her family but her community and that can count as her community service. so all the kids can come down and pack boxes, that s really helpful for you. absolutely! so what do you think? is this going to work for the family? yes, sure! i just want to do this everyday!
it just made me more miserable. when emma was a baby and with beatrice was a baby, i heard all this commotion, a tow truck it sounded like and it was, it turned out that they were taking our car for lack of payment. and at that time, darin was taking care of the bills or sort of ignoring the bills. so then i said i ll think i ll pay the bills now. i don t know if i should admit that i really don t have a good handle on what, where the money goes because beth does all the paying of the bills, but on a monthly basis, the largest cut really is, always paying for the house. that s the biggest monthly expense. quite a bit of my monthly income goes towards that, i would say about 50 percent, towards that. the second biggest expense would be educational debt, then the third would be the grocery bill. then we also have car payment.
the share seems to be a really great program. it certainly has the core values that we have as a family, which is great for us but we identify with the mission of the group and also with the fact that we obviously eat a lot of food with nine people in our household so with creative shopping, i think this is going to be a good solution for us. i can t talk to you anymore, i want to do this. thank you guys so much for having me in your home. i really enjoyed getting to know you and i think you re off to a great start. bye, bye, good luck, keep up the good work. i ve laid down some ground rules for darren and beth. i cut their grocery bill, got them tracking their spending and they re reviewing their current work life situation. now it s time for them to take charge. i can t wait to come back and see how they ve improved.
my name is beth pulley and i am 43. my name is darren and i am 43. beth and i met in high school when we wee 14 and we ve been married for 21 years. beth is a wonderful wife and mother. she s very dedicated to being a very good homemaker even though she works outside the home. darin is a phenomenal husband, a very good provider for us. very involved, as a father and as a husband. i am a librarian at villanova university. it s my full-time job; i m also an adjunct faculty member, i teach theology. it s nice because it s also a little extra money. i m a registered nse, when i m working, i work in an obgyno office i work at my job outside of the home 20 hours a week. i work inside the home, a lot more than that. my husband and i have seven children.
we have a family to impress, it s going on, where either darren s working or i m working. i can keep my skills active and feel satisfied in my paid work but also be at home and know my children. it s certainly a balancing act. since we ve always shared child care responsibilities, we do that trading off. beth spends a lot of time with the children, not only caring for them but doing the homeschooling, which takes up a lot of time. we ve chosen to homeschool our children, because family is so important to us, we weren t ready to have our children be away for eight hours a day. although we review on an annual basis, what it is, they like what it is, what they think is the best thing for them. i do enjoy being a teacher. i was a teacher before i went to nursing school. i have a liberal arts degree with a major in psychology, my concentration in elementary education. beth and i have had many degrees, and we like many people took out loans.