joins me. good evening. outfront this this evening, breaking news about president trump s state of mind. the president behind closed doors is reviving the conspiracy theory that barack obama was not bjorn in the united states. this is what he s doing. cnn is now learning that he believes he would have performed bet ner the election had he never actually acknowledged that president obama was born in the united states. which if you remember, president trump turned a september press conference a year ago into an infomercial about his new hotel and moments before walking off the stage, he said these crucial ten words. president barack obama was born in the united states period. he did apologize for the many times he said the opposite. but he said loudly and clearly the truth right there. that now is is a move though
we are following multiple breaking stories and jim is now reporting, i ll be precise. a source close to the white house says president trump u has questioned the politics of his decision to final hi acknowledge barack obama was born in the united states as he did late in the campaign last year. the source said shortly after he made that statement, finally acknowledging that president obama was born in the united states. the president trump told aides that they would have done bet ner polls had he continue to stand his dwrouground on the bi certificate issue. he is not walking away from that. i truly with my heart of hearts believe he really believes that. the thing about that denounceuation of the conspiracy theory he was peddling for years
let s talk about the significance of that. sandra, start with you, gave me the obama administration have they discussed the root causes going on in policy? it would be fair, i gave a c-minus and the reason why i say that because i don t think that the president and the administration are doing nothing. i think that they re almost acting like treeage doctor and they ve got people coming in and patients coming in, they re bloody, hurting, a mess, they re throwing a bandaid on those patients rather than fixing the root of the problem, the root of the health of economy. instead they re trying to promote good stamps and they re not addressing jobs. and if address the root of problem jobs, everybody will feel bet ner the country. the reason i give it a c-minus, are they trying to address it, addressing it correctly, no, c-minus nowhere we are where we need to be. the key to jobs, that s what will create the growth in the economy not an artifical