monkeys. really. it s hard the classic fair with all the bestjokes aimed at the adults, leaving the kids to gulp at the often spectacular visuals while mum and dad laugh at the social satire and pop references. even if you re struggling to remember much about the film, which is in cinemas now, five minutes after it s finished. that s it for this week. thanks for watching the film review. stay safe, and i ll see you next week. y , , y week. my little sister. my little sister. week. my little sister. my little sister- my week. my little sister. my little sister. my little week. my little sister. my little sister. my little sister, - week. my little sister. my little sister. my little sister, she - sister. my little sister, she bites a lot, and my dad doesn t even know about this one. m0. bites a lot, and my dad doesn t even know about this one. bites a lot, and my dad doesn t even know about this one. much of the uk is set for a very hot weekend. yesterday, northern ireland had it