9 Pasta Recipes For Italian Lovers
Image Credit: iStock
Image Credit: iStock
Pasta made with four different types of cheese - Parmesan, Cheddar, Brie and Emmental. This easy veg pasta recipe is as cheesy as it can get.
Pasta Carbonara
Image Credit: iStock
This Roman pasta dish derives its name from carbone meaning coal, and was popular with the coal miners. This is an easy bacon pasta recipe that you must try.
Gnocchi with Tomato Sauce
Image Credit: iStock
Gnocchi is a type of dumpling-like pasta made with flour, potato, semolina, egg and bread crumbs, and is served with freshly-made tangy tomato sauce.
If You Like the Tik Tok Tomato Feta Pasta Recipe, You ll Love These
February 17, 2021
Even if you re not on Tik Tok, chances are recipe trends and hacks that blew up on the video-based social media channel have trickled down to your life we re looking at you, dalgona coffee and tortilla hack. And there is a very good chance that the Tik Tok tomato feta pasta recipe is one of them. The deceptively simple dish which involves baking cherry tomatoes along with feta until bubbly and oozy and tossing with pasta has, as we say, broken the internet. Like everyone else on the planet, we too have tried it and loved it.