Cinema for children in India has had an indistinct presence even though over the years, there have been popular films including Kidar Sharma's 1957 classic 'Jaideep' which won the Best Children’s Film Prize at the International Film Festival at Venice. There was also Shyam Benegal's 1975 film 'Charandas Chor' while in mainstream cinema, films like 'Jagriti' (1954), 'Boot
Taare Zameen Par, Gandhi & Co., Stanley Ka Dabba, Chillar Party, The Blue Umbrella and I am Kalam have broadened the scope of children s cinema with universal themes.
Assam has news to cheer about. Two child actors of Assam have won awards at the Golden Peacock International Film Festival. Shabnam Bargoyari won the Best Actress award while Kritartha Kanta Barua won.