put, it s best if patients aredn treated by surgeons of. their own race. tucker, let met me ask you a question. if you are looking for a a surgeon for yourself and a loved one or a loved one , whata are you looking for in a surgeon skill? ? yeah, skill. ly. absolutely. whatwhat a about trust?r sk of course, i would say that after skill, probably the single most important thing that goes into providing good medicine is trust. a yes patient has to trust that the surgeon is not only competent and skilled, bute also has their best interests at heart and will do the bes t for him.o trus a surgeon, on the other hand , has to also trust the patientsuo that they will understand that the surgeon is doing his or herg best. yes, and dr. bozkurt, i wish weo had more time. i hope you ll come back forei a much longer conversation.on this matters more than almosn because i think this matters
against d.c.i are essentially racist, insular and don t want others in their community, like georgetown, brentwood and all the other fancy neighborhoods around the country that are all liberal by the it s it s just the opposite. and when i speak to people ofk color, black and brown ,don they don t like the crt, they don t like the dti either.e they want to their childrenr as they did in their lives. they they want to achieve things through merit, not because wan f that ther of their skin that they get this opportunity. oppw we want everyone again to havecg an equal opportunity, but weety cannot get away from merit. get the best should be able to gette into our colleges. . the best should be able to bes t hired. you know, a large partarte od f started very quickly ateet the university of texas here,ey right up the street behind cam . they came out early and said they were teaching critical race theory in college this we banned k throughn a 12 last session. in i came out and twi said ie
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so the closer we get to c election day, the more desperate get toe they re goingo become. expect more anti-american propaganda, more interviews, mo with liz cheney and profiles ofi her. expect the regime media to hidet what s happening to your streets, to your schools, st your standard of living. expect more leaks, more investigations, lawsuits and threats to punish any republicans who speak uplicans and speak out. bu ot don t be distracted.speak you re too smart for that. dist. stay focused on the real issue. what s bes t for your kids and your country. we hav e a great opportunity this fall, so let s take advantage of it. and that s the angletage o. joining us now is newt gingrich, former speaker of the house and fox newsouse contributor. ne just getting in details details from a close door fundraiser. biden is all about the disinfectant. sunlight is the best disinfectant. he had a closed door fundraiser holding with eric adams and robert de niro in new york . amamong the things he
we have to get the absolute best. we re using our smartest and best. we re not hughusing political h anymore. i have the best people lined up. we need people who are truly, truly capable. we have to get the best people. mike, do you think the president has hired the best people? i do. i think he had a tremendous team in the very beginning, and when they don t live up to the standards he has, he ll get rid of them. i don t think he ll have any problem getting rid of ronny jackson if this happens, and if the va doesn t like it, they re going to get rid of him. term limits have been a popular issue for decades because we get sick of our politicians not doing what they said they would do, and i don t think this president is afraid of changing out cabinet members over and over again, which is why shulkin is gone. if you ve done some vetting, why do you have to change them out? obviously, on the campaign trail he s going to say we re going to hire the best people.