criminal acts in arkansas in the last 20 years. i have a feeling, mr. president, that probably happened. and maybe those people then in order to avoid trying to go to jail will find, remember something about you, which didn t happen, but will remember something about you and say things like, this is crazy. there s no basis to do this. all you will do is create an institution which will haunt you as long as you re president and beyond. don t do this. don t do this. you know, ridiculous. the republicans, even democrats, the media storm that s going on with respect to whitewater and things like that, you know, i said, no. and we had a big debate on the telephone. it s all mentioned in a recent book. i said, you want to you have to do something? i said i ll tell you what you do, mr. president. you and hillary go down to the senate judiciary committee and testify. ford testified after the nixon pardon. go down and testify. let them ask as many questions as they want about whitew