the face from the republican party? i don t believe there s pitfalls in a general election like that. what you re seeing how does he fight that image, though? take a look at the american people. they have a 9% approval rating of congress right now. ted cruz has exposed both sides of the aisle. the reason mr. trump is leading in the polls, why is bernie sandsers doing so well? they re tired of politics as usual. i think what cruz offers is this will not be about politics as usual, but i know what i m doing. a lot of people like to say they re the smartest guy in the room. i think ted cruz might be the smartest guy in the room. bob, thank you for your time. appreciate it. brooke, thank you. tonight s debate will be the first republican face-off since the terror attacks in paris and the massacre just recently in san bernardino. national security and the fight against isis certain to be front and center, but my next guest is calling out the republican field and donald trump i