Roger Strelow, U.S. Army, and Bernie Rachel, U.S. Air Force, were on the Veterans Honor Flight of North Dakota and Minnesota and toured many memorials.
Douglas County landowners say County Ditch 6 is a dud, don t want to pay for it
Property owners in Alexandria Township claim they are not benefitting from it as their land doesn t drain into it. 5:20 pm, May 19, 2021 ×
Douglas County Commissioners – (from left) Charlie Meyer, Heather Larson, Jerry Rapp, Tim Kalina and Keith Englund – listen to concerns from landowners wanting to remove their property from Douglas County Ditch 6. Speaking on behalf of the county, and seated at the table in front of the commissioners, were Kurt Deter, attorney (left) and Tom Anderson, Drainage and Ag inspector. (Celeste Edenloff / Echo Press)
Property owners who say they aren t getting any benefit from a county ditch for which they are assessed will have to wait until the next Douglas County Board meeting for any sort of resolution