/PRNewswire/ "Outer Banks Visionaries: Building North Carolina s Oceanfront" by Clark Twiddy is a captivating new book that tells the story of the dreamers,.
“The past is a mystery,” said Clark Twiddy, son of the station's current owners, Doug and Sharon Twiddy. “Some of these old buildings help us to understand it.”
Bernie and Trevor Harry are celebrating 60 years of marriage today A couple from Croxley Green are celebrating their Diamond wedding anniversary today. Bernie and Trevor Harry, of Canterbury Way, were married on March 11, 1961, but Covid restrictions mean they will have to mark 60 years of marriage with each other, with family and friends unable to visit them. One of their daughters Gillian is in Australia, while her sister Paula lives in the Cotswolds. Gillian said: It is not really how they wanted to spend their Diamond celebrations, but our lovely friend Karen Taylor from Croxley has been making sure they have shopping and a celebratory dinner and bubbles.