Perhaps all men, myself included, should pipe down and not try to explain it and not try to comment on it. Certainly not to try to defend it. I was talking to a very famous, very well respected actress who is a very good friend of yours who said almost entirely the opposite. She said its time for the men to stand up and do something. Oh well. Im saying that first weve got to hear from everybody so that we understand how vast and how all encompassing this was. Thats a. B is its all got to change. Youre one of the actor representatives on the academy board, i believe, so you must have been involved in that conversation about. Yes i was. Having Harvey Weinstein removed from the academy. I am a member of the board of governors, yes, i was present at the meeting. What did that conversation sound like . Im not at liberty to discuss. Id be going against my responsibilities. Did you talk about issues like, should we have a code of ethics etc . Honestly, im not at liberty to discuss it. Talking