Bernalillo County Metro Court Judge Henry A. Alaniz will retire late this month after serving more than a decade in the post. Alaniz was appointed to the Met.
(231-243) District Courts (Dick-Peddie/Chavez)
(244) Bernalillo County Metro Court (Dick-Peddie/Chavez)
(251-265) District Attorneys (Dick-Peddie/Chavez)
Diana Luce, 5th District Attorney and President of the District Attorneys’ Association
Henry Valdez, Director, Administrative Office of the District Attorneys
Tuesday, February 9, 2021 – 1:00 p.m. – Virtual Zoom Meeting
(790) Department of Public Safety (Rabin/Jimenez)
Tim Q. Johnson, Acting Secretary
(770) Corrections Department (Rabin/Jimenez)
Alisha Tafoya, Secretary
(550) Office of the State Engineer and Interstate Stream Commission (Wan/Miner)
John R. D’Antonio Jr., State Engineer
(521) Energy, Minerals and Natural Resources Department (Wan/Miner)
Sarah Cottrell Propst, Secretary
(631) Workforce Solutions Department (Bachechi/M