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This guide to Bermuda dispute resolution and litigation includes
commentary on litigation funding, initiating a lawsuit, statutes of
limitations, representative or collective actions, pre-trial
litigation proceedings, discovery, injunctive relief, settlement,
damages, appeals, litigation costs, alternative dispute resolution
(ADR) and arbitration.
General Characteristics of the Legal System
Please describe the general characteristics of your
country s legal system. For example: is it based on civil law
or common law? Does it follow an adversarial or inquisitorial
model? Is the legal process conducted through both written
Exploring how Bermudaâs equestrian community brings opportunity to its riders The dressage court is the same size no matter where you put it in the world,” Bermuda’s National Dressage Coach Angela Halloran-Smith said to me as we sat in front of a window overlooking Harrington Sound. “That’s huge for us here in Bermuda.” The blue December sky competed in vibrancy with the sparkling saltwater below it. In the distance, anchored boats gently bobbed in the waves against a backdrop of hills dotted with brightly-colored homes.
Imagining Isabell Werth heading down centerline in Aachen, Germany, or Laura Graves leading a lap of honor at Wellington’s Palm Beach International Equestrian Center is easy, but envisioning a dressage scene on a tiny island in the Atlantic, known for beach resorts and golfing, is more difficult. However, dedicated dressage riders will always find a way to make the sport happen. And that’s why Bermuda made for such an interesting dressage destin