Today s corona news in 60 seconds
+++ School plan delayed +++ Choice between vaccines? +++ Lauterbach s super summer +++ The stats +++ Elizabeth Rushton, 11.1.2021 - 10:00 Uhr
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Photo: Sabine Gudath
Take me to super summer , please: taxis line up outside Arena Treptow to bring patients to and from their corona jabs.
Berlin - Every weekday at 11am come to the Berliner Zeitung English Edition for the corona/Covid-19 news at a glance. The latest corona stats for Berlin (tallied Sunday
, 10 January)
340 (732 Saturday)
1,565 (+5 over Saturday)
R number:
Share of Berlin ICUs occupied by Covid-19 patients:
Berlin s schools were
supposed to gradually start reopening from today - until city
Today s corona news in 60 seconds
+++ Vaccinations begin +++ Firework bust +++ Corona demo cancelled +++ The stats +++ Maurice Frank, 28.12.2020 - 09:15 Uhr
Artikel anhören Photo: AFD/Kay Nietfeld
Gertrud Haase is given a dose of the Pfizer-Biontech coronavirus vaccine by Dr Fatmir Dalladaku at Agaplesion Bethanien Sophienhaus nursing home in Steglitz.
Berlin - Every weekday at 11am come to the Berliner Zeitung English Edition for the corona/Covid-19 news at a glance. The latest corona stats for Berlin (tallied Sunday
, 27 December)
815 (635 Saturday)
1,149 (+21 over Saturday)
R number:
Share of Berlin ICUs occupied by Covid-19 patients:
Gertrud Haase, a 101-year-old nursing home resident in Steglitz, became
Today s corona news in 60 seconds
+ + + Record deaths, again + + + Lockdown without end +++ Drugs still popular + + + The stats + + + Maurice Frank, 23.12.2020 - 10:15 Uhr
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Weihnachtsmann at the Mall of Berlin.
Berlin - Every weekday at 11am come to the Berliner Zeitung English Edition for the corona/Covid-19 news at a glance. The latest corona stats for Berlin (tallied Tuesday
, 22 December)
1,504 (953 Monday)
1,066 (+42 over Monday)
R number:
Share of Berlin ICUs occupied by Covid-19 patients:
Another record.
It s become routine to type the words a record number of people died of Covid-19 in a 24-hour period. It feels dehumanising and depressing to do, but here we are again.