Seventy years ago, Ray Bradbury published his dystopian novel, “Fahrenheit 451,” depicting the duty of firemen to burn books regarded by the government as dangerous or subversive. Written during the beginning of the Cold War, the book reacted to the book burnings that took place in Nazi Germany and the attacks on free thought in […]
Robert Azzi is a photographer and writer who lives in Exeter. His columns are archived at “If you have a chance to accomplish something that will make things better for people coming behind you, and you don’t do that,”.
Several of the titles, which include picture books like The Berenstain Bears and biographies of black and Hispanic historical figures such as Roberto Clemente, already banned in parts of the state.
Robert Azzi is a photographer and writer who lives in Exeter. His columns are archived at I remember the first time I visited the Parthenon. I was new to Greece and was invited to a late-night dinner in Plaka, an Athenian.